After School Art Clubs

Through years of teaching both children and adults, I’ve discovered that everyone possesses a unique artistic style that, and which - when encouraged - can be expressed and most importantly enjoyed! This encouragement is crucial for unlocking each individual’s personal interest in art, offering a valuable life skill in today’s tech-driven world. Creating a supportive environment where students can explore art at their own pace, with the right materials, subject,  And positive guidance, allows them to produce work which often exceeds their own expectations, and from experience as a direct result … creates and gives individuals self confidence. I firmly believe a 'healthy dollop' of self confidence is the key to success.

The Reggio Emilia Approach - Advanced Reflections; this tested approach to teaching in smaller groups, echoes my experience and feelings exactly. Especially when teaching art in school settings when working with smaller groups, from experience, the benefits are marked.

The Haslingfield Endowed Primary School

Images from the art club; greetings cards, the summer fete with art club stall and art competition.

"Lucy has run after school workshops and has been involved in leading sessions for our Big Draw event each year for the last few years. She is very well organised and her sessions are structured and well resourced. She has a lovely manner with the children; her encouragement and positivity gives them the confidence to experiment without getting too focused on final outcomes. Her focus on process and exploration gives all the children the opportunity to develop their own ideas". Katherine Woodard, Art Coordinator, Haslingfield Endowed Primary School.

Duxford Church of England Community Primary School

Images from the after school art club.

"At art club I do lots of things such as drawing, painting, modelling and lots of fun stuff". Alex Y4, Duxford Church of England Community Primary School.

"Art club is a popular feature on our extra-curricular club list. The children have plenty of fun and with Lucy's expertise they produce some high quality pieces". Duxford Church of England Community Primary School.

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